Friday, October 31, 2008

Matthew 19; Mark 10

Jesus begins both chapters answering questions on divorce. This was never God's purpose for marriage. Moses allowed it because God's people had hard hearts. God views it as breaking the holy covenant we have established with each other, but most importantly with Him. When we flippantly do this and remarry, He views this as adultery. Many countries established have legal divorce laws. These are necessary because of our disregard for the gift God has given us in each other. In many cases one person may not want one and the other person insists that is the only solution. When we do this for the purpose of remarrying, God views this the same as adultery. Whatever has happened, He will forgive when we repent and will re-establish your life and put it in the proper order. We are never to use that as an excuse to give up on our marriage. He does make a provision for divorce when there is marital unfaithfulness, but His perfect plan is repentance, forgiveness and restoration. We then see the Lord commenting on renouncing marriage for the Kingdom and other reasons. He wants us to follow Him in what He wants in our life and to encounter Him as our mate. Some may be able to do this long term or for a season. That time is precious and the Lord will be able to use us in ways we will only understand as we seek His will and rely on Him to fill our life with Him. He will bring us into the lives of His children and use us in ways we otherwise could not experience. Whether we marry or remain single, He will guide us in all of these areas when we trust Him to make our life what He wants.

Then we see Jesus welcoming and praying for the little children He said "for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these... I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." we should encourage our children (and our adults) to go to Him often and get comfortable in doing that.

Then we see how the things of this world can keep us from following Christ or even knowing Him. Then He tells us that we will be rewarded for whatever we give up to follow Him (100 times in the age to come). God is just and will reward us as a loving father in every area.

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