Friday, October 10, 2008

Matthew 5-7

In Matthew 5-7:29 we see the beatitudes. This is the sermon on the mount in which Jesus gives God's perspective on what reality is in spiritual life (who is going to be blessed, what effect we can have as salt and light, fulfillment of the law and ethical teachings from God's perspective. Many times our views on a spiritual walk differ from our Lords. Our views on murder, adultery, divorce, relationships, justice and love differ from God's heart in these matters. We have the decision to bring God's standards down to ours, or bring our thinking and behavior in line with His. Loving our enemies for example is not something we would think of in our walk apart from God. Our challenge is to bring our life in line with His.

In chapter 6 our motives in giving to the needy are addressed. They should be intended to be seen by God - not man. Prayer and fasting are the same way. As God works on us we begin to see the value in storing up treasures in heaven and not earth. Then He addresses putting our trust in Him and not worrying. "Our father knows our needs and will meet them. He has good gifts in store for us that will shape us into the person that He knows is really behind the image we try to display.

More later...

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