Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jeremiah 35-37

We start today with the Recabites being tested to be shown faithful to the father. They were nomads and their situation changed as they moved to Jerusalem to be safe from the soldiers during the Babylonian captivity. They did not do as the ones in Jerusalem who followed the evil ways of their fathers. When the fathers follow God's plan, we can stay faithful in the unfaithful world. Jerusalem received God's judgment and the Recabites received God's blessing.

Then we see God longing to forgive His people and give them one more chance to turn to Him and ask forgiveness for their ways. He is always bringing His messengers along side us to bring us back to Him. The choice is always ours and He wants what He knows is best. He knows His judgment will cause us to return. He would rather have obedience and fellowship with us than to see us suffering the consequences of our disobedience (sin).

In chapter 37 we see the King Zedekiah asking fir Jeremiah to come and pray for them. God's judgment had began. The Babylonians and Egyptians began attacking Jerusalem. We see Jeremiah put in prison again for His obedience. The Lord ended up providing for Him through King Zedekiah during the siege. How is the Lord providing for you during your time of need? He is always watching over us.

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