Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jeremiah 32-34

Today as we seek the Lord, let's see what He would have us do in every area of our daily life. We see Jeremiah buying land only after God confirmed the purchase. God must give us confirmation on the decisions that we make. If we do not get that confirmation, we are guilty of the sins of God's people when they refused to consult God for their direction. He delivered them to Babylonian rule and considered their King Nebuchadnezzar, his servant. He then promised a time of deliverance.
And mentioned the olive branch from the house of David called the Lord. He also tells us His covenant (promises) cannot be broken by us. When He puts them in place only He can remove them not us. We may break them but we cannot remove them from thier place the father has established. God always keeps his promises to us. Seek Him and He will show you His ways.

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