Friday, August 15, 2008

Jeremiah 30-31

In chapter 30 we see God telling Jeremiah to write down the things that He is speaking to him. He sees God's people in anguish and suffering the consequences of their actions. Then we see God taking the yoke of bondage from them, and restoring them to their land. What did God see about their condition? The reason God delivered them into the hands of the Babylonians is that they were already in bondage in their sins and had not followed His ways. He allowed them to suffer in order to free them. Many times when we are free, we take that as being free to do whatever we want. I have done that as I was healed from a six year sickness as a child. I was then free to do what normal kids do. Sometimes we forget who really makes us free. We use that freedom and choose to run into another kind of entanglement. The Lord frees us to run to Him and be free indeed! We should write down what God tells us so that others entangled in the agony of their suffering will be able to use that to become spiritually free so when they are freed from this condition, they can be truly free and stay free. The Lord knows who will need your words to stay on track, to give them hope for the future.

In chapter 31 the Lord describes restoration. He will restore their land, cities and stop their oppression. He does that so we can truly know Him and appreciate true deliverance. He does that so we can build holy families to worship in spirit and in truth. As we are freed spiritually we will be freed in our present condition. Part of the promise of freedom was to write His words, laws and ways in our hearts and be a people of God. Seek the father to free yourself, family and friends spiritually and they will enjoy true the freedom God has for them. He will speak to you. Write down what He tells you. Meditate on it and get to know Him more through His word and spending time with Him. Religious activity is good, but He wants you to spend time with him first and then choose the path that leads to true freedom.

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