Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ezekiel 16-17

In chapter 16 we see Israel's sin exposed. We see God had compassion and had brought her up from a babe to be His child, care for her make her into a mighty nation. She was not true to God and worshiped the false gods of other nations. God showed them through Ezekiel how He would tear her down, discipline her and restore His covenant with her. He would also deal harshly with the king of the other nation that leads them into captivity and to worship false Gods. Then He points to the coming of Christ. In chapter 16 we see Israel's sin exposed. We see God had compassion and had brought her up from a babe to be His child, care for her make her into a mighty nation. She was not true to God and worshiped the false gods of other nations. God showed them through Ezekiel how He would tear her down, discipline her and restore His covenant with her. He would also deal harshly with the king of the other nation that leads them into captivity and to worship false Gods. Then He points to the coming of Christ.
vs 62. So I will establish my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord, Then I will make atonement for all you have done..." NIV

In chapter 17 He shows them a parable about two Eagles and a vine. One was the King Nebudchadnezzar, the other was the Egyptian Pharaoh. The King of Israel and His royal family would be carried off to Babylon and God will take a part of that family vs 22 and Christ will come from that royal linage and we will find shelter and rest in Him. God always knows what He is doing, even when it is hard for us to understand. Trust in the Lord and He will bring you rest and shelter from life's daily challenges.

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