Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ezekiel 16-17

In chapter 16 we see Israel's sin exposed. We see God had compassion and had brought her up from a babe to be His child, care for her make her into a mighty nation. She was not true to God and worshiped the false gods of other nations. God showed them through Ezekiel how He would tear her down, discipline her and restore His covenant with her. He would also deal harshly with the king of the other nation that leads them into captivity and to worship false Gods. Then He points to the coming of Christ. In chapter 16 we see Israel's sin exposed. We see God had compassion and had brought her up from a babe to be His child, care for her make her into a mighty nation. She was not true to God and worshiped the false gods of other nations. God showed them through Ezekiel how He would tear her down, discipline her and restore His covenant with her. He would also deal harshly with the king of the other nation that leads them into captivity and to worship false Gods. Then He points to the coming of Christ.
vs 62. So I will establish my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord, Then I will make atonement for all you have done..." NIV

In chapter 17 He shows them a parable about two Eagles and a vine. One was the King Nebudchadnezzar, the other was the Egyptian Pharaoh. The King of Israel and His royal family would be carried off to Babylon and God will take a part of that family vs 22 and Christ will come from that royal linage and we will find shelter and rest in Him. God always knows what He is doing, even when it is hard for us to understand. Trust in the Lord and He will bring you rest and shelter from life's daily challenges.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ezekiel 9-12

In chapter 9 we are experiencing Ezekiel's vision. We see the prophet pleading to God and praying over what he sees. God commences with His judgment over idolatry. He starts with the Elders in the temple, and the sight of judgment (idolaters being killed) is much more than Ezekiel is ready to handle. Our worship will change into what God wants it to be when we seek His desire for true worship.

In chapter 10 we see the Lords glory departing from the temple. We should each hope that our acts or heart for worship would never cause that.

In Chapter 11 the Lord says He has been their sanctuary among those scattered among foreign nations. He says He will change those whom have not devoted their heart to detestable things from having a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. He says "they will be my people and I will be their God." (NIV)

The Lord reveals in Chapter 12 that the time for warnings through visions is over and judgment is to take place. There is a time when God must deal with each of us. He gives us every opportunity to choose Him. That is the Loving just part of Him. He either grieves or rejoices over what we lead His people to do. I encourage each of us to strive for His response that says this is my child in whom I am well pleased.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ezekiel 5-7

In Chapter 5 God reveals to Ezekiel the details of His judgment against His people. I believe He is specific so as the events take place they will know and recognize them and be able to then respond appropriately. When we walk in our own ways it is impossible to interpret the times correctly in which we live.

In chapter 6 God reveals the severity of His judgment. He will leave a remnant to be witnesses to their children. He demonstrates his power so that we won't take His warnings in vain and so we will know He alone is the Lord our God.

In chapter 7 God reveals the timing of these events. He tells them their gold and silver will be useless because they have made false idols out of it. He shows us what we think is important will not help us when a (stumbling block) mountain is in the way. Sometimes they are placed the by the Lord because of our stubbornness (disobedience). I am glad Christ came to pay the penalty for what we all deserve.

And then the Lord brought Ezekiel into His presence and took him to the temple and showed him how the people were worshiping false gods and even the sun in the Lord's temple. God saw this as thumbing their noses at Him and provoking Him to judgment. He promised to "neither pity nor spare them, and though they cry out for mercy, I will not listen." (NLT) This was God's response to their worship. What will be His response to our worship?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ezekiel 1-4

In chapter 1 we see the prophet Ezekiel having a vision from the Lord. The vision has as much to with receiving a word from the Lord as it does interpretation of the symbolism that was necessary for the Hebrews to understand the images. It is really challenging to us because we do not understand the power involved in the vision. The creatures had four faces: 1 man was God's appointed ruler of the earth, 2 the Lion was the most ferocious beasts known to them, 3 an ox was the most powerful domesticated animal, 4 the Eagle was the mightiest of birds. These are four Cherubim (throne attendants) which is the Hebrew number for completeness. They also represent the four gospels. The expanse above their wings separates them from the spirit of the Lord. The four directions they face represent four directions to cover all of the earth, and the eyes in the wheels symbolize God's all seeing nature. We see their wings and heads bow in reverence to the Lord. Then He saw the Lord. When He saw Him, He fell face down in submission and reverence. Notice after He did that is when He heard the Lord speak.

In chapter 2 the Lord sends out Ezekiel. The spirit came in Him for the assignment. He was instructed not to be affected by their response to the message, for their sin was rebelliousness and being stubborn and obstinate (hard headed). This caused them to their own way and not be concerned with the things of God. Eating the scroll was willingness to take in God's word and accept the Lord's assignment.

In chapter 3 we see Ezekiel being further equipped for the assignment. He made his forehead harder than flint and His character as unyielding and hardened as they are. Ezekiel went in anger and bitterness, then he sat among those to whom He was sent overwhelmed.
16 At the end of seven days the word of the LORD came to me: 17 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. 18 When I say to a wicked man, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for [g] his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood. 19 But if you do warn the wicked man and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his evil ways, he will die for his sin; but you will have saved yourself." (NIV) Here we see how the Lord feels about our response to His assignment.

In chapter 4 we see God giving the details for the assignment. Ezekiel was to be obedient to God show Israel that someone must bear their sins. That was really Christ's job, but Ezekiel was to be the instrument to prepare them for that in this way. God ended chapter 3 with this: 27...'This is what the Sovereign LORD says.' Whoever will listen let him listen, and whoever will refuse let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house. There are consequences for our response to Him. Chapter 4 ends with them. We should all listen in a way that our response would be that of one who is considered to be a good steward of the things we have been entrusted with.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Lamentations 3:37 - 5:22

In chapter 3 we see that the things the prophets speak are not from them:... "but from God, for what man can speak and make things come true? Is it not from the mouth of the most high that both calamities and good things come?" Then He asks "why any living man should complain when punished for his sins? Then He petitions God's people to "examine themselves and return to the Lord." This whole process is so important for each one to go through, 1 -to acknowledge that the prophecies and scriptures are from God and not man. 2. We must all come to an understanding that He has the power to bring both good and bad things to pass (He is God). 3. Then being satisfied (contentment) with what He decrees and where He has us today is being in
his will at the time. He will change things when the work He is doing in your life and my life is complete. 4. Examining ourselves every few months and returning to the Lord so He can complete us (making us spiritually into His image) and assign us the tasks He wants us to to handle. He says 55 "I called your name O Lord from the depths of the pit. 56 You heard my plea: Do not close your ears to my cry for relief. 57 You came near when I called you, and you said, "Do not fear."
58 O Lord, you took up my case; you redeemed my life." (NIV)

In chapter 4 we see the pain and suffering of God's people during the exile. It reminds me of what the tribulation may look like. Part of their sin was thinking that Jerusalem was their fortress and security and that it could never happen to them. That was said when the Titanic was built and to the government official that tried to warn about our vulnerability to have the 911 catastrophe. We sometimes have to see it to believe it. So it was with the suffering and destruction that was prophesied in Jerusalem. That is why it is so important that we read God's word and understand the scriptures to be able to interpret the times in which we live, and things in our own life. This keeps us from worry when we understand God really is in control - no matter what.

In chapter 5 the prophet asks the Lord to remember what has happened to them. He then paints a picture of their current circumstances and asks God for restoration. He also asked why He had forsaken them for so long. When God is silent, it is so confusing, but so necessary. He knows it is so vital that we all get to the point that we acknowledge our need for Him to be Lord of our life. He is silent to show us our need for Him and teach us what a life without Him is like. It's called God's discipline. As we complete the process He changes our heart. That is something we are not capable of. He knows we need it, and it is a vital part of the process to get me and you out of the way so that He can be God. 5:21 "Restore us to yourself, O LORD, that we may return; renew our days as of old." (NIV)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lamentations 1:1-3:36

We start Lamentations with the prophet (some think Jeremiah is the author) grieving over the condition of Jerusalem after the battle with the Babylonians and the exile from the city. Even though the prophecy was in place, the reality is sometimes extremely hard to accept and deal with. It can be compared to losing a loved one that you understand is going to die. Seeing that process and being there when it happens is hard to deal with even when we understand that it is best. The suffering the Lord was trying to relieve was not physical, it was spiritual. Death in God's eyes is spiritual death. Jesus said of many people, they are not dead they only sleep (Lazarus and the official's child), but He called the Pharisees walking dead men. They were physically alive, but spiritually dead. The suffering or correction in their life was to prevent death. We must trust the Lord to bring us through the grieving process with a proper perspective (His). He asks the Lord to comfort him during this process and acknowledges his sin. That's when God starts healing and can do the required repair work for our condition.

In Chapter 2 we get a picture of the Lord stretching out His hand with a measuring line. The scriptures tell us we will be repaid with the same measuring line we used for our dealings with others and with God. It also shows Gods restraint in our correction. We could never withstand His full wrath. Jerusalem was in ruins, but not completely destroyed. This was all because His people turned from Him and believed false prophets due to a lack of discernment that always accompanies sin ("her prophets no longer find visions from the LORD.."). NIV

In chapter 3 we see He finds hope in a hopeless situation.
21 "Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your
faithfulness.24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."25
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;26 it is good to
wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD." NIV
The Lord will bring hope to your situation as you search for Him and pour out your heart. He always hears our cries. He says He will give His children good things when they ask. His answer is not necessarily in material things.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jeremiah 51-52

We start today in Chapter 51 seeing the promise confirmed for destroying Babylon. God then promises restoration to Israel. He wants to give us victory and be the one to deliver us. He says He wants to be the lawyer to deliver the people of God. He says He will avenge you. The Lord calls himself here the King of Heaven's Armies and will fight our oppressors.

In chapter 52 we see all these earlier prophecies fulfilled in the fall of Jerusalem and the breaking up of Solomon's Temple. All God's people had resisted His discipline and fought this for over 2 years. Even as Jeremiah's prophesies unfolded they would not accept the word of the Lord. He did take care and restored His people just as He told them. He heard their cries and came to their rescue. His plan is always for restoration. He wants to restore our relationship with Him and then for us to know Him more. He may be able to use you as He did Jeremiah. Let's listen and respond.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Jeremiah 49-50

In chapter 49 Jeremiah prophesies destruction to several countries. Some He said were to be restored and some were not. Some of these countries were started through incest and immorality, they worshiped false God's and were in a continuous cycle of leading God's people astray. They created enough doubt in God's ways to cause them not to only question the truth, but to walk in darkness. What starts out in disobedience can only be made pure with the Power and Love of God.

In chapter 50 we see why the Lords anger is so intent on seeing justice.

"My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray
and caused them to roam on the mountains. They wandered over mountain and hill
and forgot their own resting place." (NIV)
God always hears the cries of His lost sheep. We as shepherds are held accountable to where God's people wander spiritually. As parents would stand up to do difficult things to ensure the safety of our children, and bring justice to those who would lead them into trouble, the Lord wants to be the one to deliver us from spiritual bondage and give us a hope and a future. He understands fully the consequences as we wander and desires His best for us. He promises to deliver us, give us life to the full and desires to have that close intimate fellowship with Him.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jeremiah 46-48

In chapter 46 the Lord speaks to Jeremiah and reveals Nebudchadnezzar's plans to attack Egypt. The Lord has already warned what will happen if they went to Egypt. They chose not to believe the Lord. Are you listening? The Lord wants to speak through the Holy Spirit to you personally. God loves you and cares for you and wants what's best for you. He will discipline with justice. We would not let wrong doings go unpunished with our own children. With discipline we stay on track and learn the importance of restraint.

In chapter 47 we see the verdict of God's judgment on the Philistines. He will wipe out the remnant. To my knowledge they do not exist as a people today. There are still hard feelings over the Gaza strip even today. The Lord gave it to Israel and He will clearly take it back if His people are not obedient.

In chapter 48 God is telling them He is bringing consequences on the Moabites for leading His people astray to worship false gods as they fled and lived in their land. He then promises to restore the land of Ammon. Jeremiah was the only one listening to the Lord, and He spoke clearly through him. I would ask us to have that close intimate relationship that the Lord may speak clearly and we may hear.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jeremiah 41-45

In chapter 41 Jeremiah gives the account of Ishmael murdering Gedaliah and his men who had been appointed governor of the land by the Babylonians. They ended up killing seventy more men who came there to worship the next day. Johanan took the army and went after them because they had also taken hostage the rest of the people at Mizpah and fled. They recovered the people but Ishmael and his band of men escaped to the Ammonites. The people they recovered then fled to Egypt for fear of the Babylonians. All of this took place because Ishmael could not be content with where God had them. It was not a place of power or prominence. They were servants to the Babylonians. Discontentment will take a huge toll on us and we may never be able to enter God's rest. Then we may act before we pray and cause ourselves to be wandering in fear for our actions.

In chapter 42 we see God explain the rewards for staying where He has them and the consequences for wandering from His will. Johanan inquired of Jeremiah and asks him to petition the Lord and ask him to build them up. They also committed to follow the words of the Lord whatever they were. It took ten days for the Lord to reply.

Then in chapter 43 when Jeremiah tells them what the Lord said, they called Him a liar and went to Egypt anyway. If we are not listening to the Lord the only way to justify disobedience is to not believe the truth.

In chapter 44 Johanan takes them back to Egypt against the Lord's will. What will we not do to escape God's judgment? I thought it was interesting that they escaped to the country that God had delivered them out of. That's what happens to our thinking when we serve and worship anything besides God. He will deliver you. Are you willing to hang in there with Him when things look bleak? His plan is always best.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Pray for spiritual understanding before you read God's word each day. He will speak to you as He did Habakkuk.

Habakkuk was a prophet in Jeremiah's time that did not speak not to the people publicly, but to the Lord and recorded what the Lord told him. In chapter 1 Habakkuk the prophet brings up the injustice in the world. The Lord reveals that He is raising up the Babylonians to deal with His people. He then asks God why He is silent while wicked men swallow up the righteous.

In chapter 2 he then stands watch and waits for the Lord's reply. That is the difference between just complaining and seeking the true answer. The Lord tells Him to write down the revelation. We should write down what the Lord tells us in our quiet time and then write down how He answers. It will help others to build faith as we experience our Lord at work. We will be able to identify the righteous because they live by faith. The Lord will deal with those who treat His children unjustly. He warns the Babylonians that are mistreating His people. I love these verses - 14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea... 20 But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him." Are we letting the Lord fight our battles, or do we handle them ourselves, and try to justify our actions? He has a plan. Let His plan take priority.

In chapter 3 we see Habakkuk's prayer in response to God's revelation:

16 I heard and my heart pounded,
my lips quivered at the sound;
decay crept into my bones,
and my legs trembled.
Yet I will wait patiently for the day of calamity
to come on the nation invading us.

17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,

18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

We can see how this whole book was then sent to the director of music to be a praise song.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2nd Kings 24-25; 2nd Chronicles 36

In 2nd Kings 24 we see King Jehoiakim's reign of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon had placed Him there to be His servant and reign under His authority during the captivity. Jehoiakim did not understand being submissive to Nebuchadnezzar's authority. He did not believe the words of the prophet that said this would last 70 years and He was removed as King, as was His son Jehoiachin who only reigned three months for the same reason. Many were taken into captivity and the articles of the temple were removed because they would not submit to authority for the consequences of their sin. Zedikiah (Mattaniah) reigned for longer. He was more submissive but still did not turn Judah back to the ways of the Lord.

In chapter 25 we have a picture of Judah in exile. The poor were left behind to work the fields. Gedaliah was appointed their king whom they assassinated. They could not understand being removed from their place in life by God. After 37 years Jehoiachin was removed from prison and gave him a high seat of honor by the new King of Babylon (Evil-Merodach). He was submissive and remained there as long as He lived.

In 2nd Chronicles 36 the Lord identifies their sin as hardening their hearts to Him and not heeding the word of the Lord through the prophets. Their priests followed evil customs and the temple of Solomon was burned. He sent His prophets again and again to bring them back, but they scoffed at them until the Lord was aroused against them. 70 years later as prophesied we see God move in the heart of Cyrus, King of Persia to return God's people to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. What is God telling you? He said there was no other remedy for them. Is he trying to speak? Are you willing to listen? He will always do what's best for us. His purpose is to turn your heart to Him, restore you spiritually and heal your suffering. We are not to get religious activity confused with where Christ wants us spiritually. When we get spiritually restored, He then can use us to minister to others.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jeremiah 38-40; Psalm 74; Psalm 79

In chapter 38 we see Jeremiah getting thrown in the dungeon for the words of the Lord He spoke. Satan has a way of trying to keep the Lord's words from ringing true. Ebed Melech was an Ethiopian eunuch that petitioned the King on His behalf. He allowed Himself to be used by God in the place God had placed Him. The King inquired the word of the Lord from Jeremiah. Jeremiah again was faithful to speak truth God used the King to protect Him from the princes in the Kingdom. How can the Lord use you to deliver one of His servants from the pit?

In chapter 39 we see God's prophecy being fulfilled and Jerusalem was destroyed, burned and God's people being delivered into captivity. The King's family suffered the judgment of the Lord as well. We should believe God as He knows best and will always make a way out if we ask. He promises to deliver them when their sentence is over.

In Chapter 40 Jeremiah is cared for and freed to do whatever He wants. The Babylonians understand it is because of Israels disobedience that they were defeated and taken captive.
Our disobedience will always take us captive.

In Psalm 74 Asaph cries out to God in agony. He tells the Lord of the condition of their country, temple and of their oppression. Our Lord is more concerned with our spiritual condition than our physical condition. He has to get our attention physically before we turn our hearts to Him and acknowledge Him as Lord. After we turn to Him, then He will then again take care of us as He does His own sheep.

IN Psalm 79 He cries out in repentance. He asks for and restoration. He asks God to avenge them for what their enemies had done. He wants to be our God and God wants us to be His people. When we break through all the warnings and do not turn from our sins until God takes action to get our attention, then there will be a time of correction before we can be restored to be leading others again. Our Lords perfect plan involves us to stay faithful to Him and rest in His provision.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jeremiah 35-37

We start today with the Recabites being tested to be shown faithful to the father. They were nomads and their situation changed as they moved to Jerusalem to be safe from the soldiers during the Babylonian captivity. They did not do as the ones in Jerusalem who followed the evil ways of their fathers. When the fathers follow God's plan, we can stay faithful in the unfaithful world. Jerusalem received God's judgment and the Recabites received God's blessing.

Then we see God longing to forgive His people and give them one more chance to turn to Him and ask forgiveness for their ways. He is always bringing His messengers along side us to bring us back to Him. The choice is always ours and He wants what He knows is best. He knows His judgment will cause us to return. He would rather have obedience and fellowship with us than to see us suffering the consequences of our disobedience (sin).

In chapter 37 we see the King Zedekiah asking fir Jeremiah to come and pray for them. God's judgment had began. The Babylonians and Egyptians began attacking Jerusalem. We see Jeremiah put in prison again for His obedience. The Lord ended up providing for Him through King Zedekiah during the siege. How is the Lord providing for you during your time of need? He is always watching over us.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Jeremiah 32-34

Today as we seek the Lord, let's see what He would have us do in every area of our daily life. We see Jeremiah buying land only after God confirmed the purchase. God must give us confirmation on the decisions that we make. If we do not get that confirmation, we are guilty of the sins of God's people when they refused to consult God for their direction. He delivered them to Babylonian rule and considered their King Nebuchadnezzar, his servant. He then promised a time of deliverance.
And mentioned the olive branch from the house of David called the Lord. He also tells us His covenant (promises) cannot be broken by us. When He puts them in place only He can remove them not us. We may break them but we cannot remove them from thier place the father has established. God always keeps his promises to us. Seek Him and He will show you His ways.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jeremiah 30-31

In chapter 30 we see God telling Jeremiah to write down the things that He is speaking to him. He sees God's people in anguish and suffering the consequences of their actions. Then we see God taking the yoke of bondage from them, and restoring them to their land. What did God see about their condition? The reason God delivered them into the hands of the Babylonians is that they were already in bondage in their sins and had not followed His ways. He allowed them to suffer in order to free them. Many times when we are free, we take that as being free to do whatever we want. I have done that as I was healed from a six year sickness as a child. I was then free to do what normal kids do. Sometimes we forget who really makes us free. We use that freedom and choose to run into another kind of entanglement. The Lord frees us to run to Him and be free indeed! We should write down what God tells us so that others entangled in the agony of their suffering will be able to use that to become spiritually free so when they are freed from this condition, they can be truly free and stay free. The Lord knows who will need your words to stay on track, to give them hope for the future.

In chapter 31 the Lord describes restoration. He will restore their land, cities and stop their oppression. He does that so we can truly know Him and appreciate true deliverance. He does that so we can build holy families to worship in spirit and in truth. As we are freed spiritually we will be freed in our present condition. Part of the promise of freedom was to write His words, laws and ways in our hearts and be a people of God. Seek the father to free yourself, family and friends spiritually and they will enjoy true the freedom God has for them. He will speak to you. Write down what He tells you. Meditate on it and get to know Him more through His word and spending time with Him. Religious activity is good, but He wants you to spend time with him first and then choose the path that leads to true freedom.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Jeremiah 26-29

In Jeremiah 26 we see the Lord having mercy on the cities of Judah. He sent Jeremiah to tell them if they repent He would not bring the judgment He had announced earlier. God wants us to turn to Him and He gives us more chances to do that than we realize. He wants us to listen to Him so we may be able to interpret what He is telling us, and and see how He is working in and through His people to accomplish His plan. God used Jeremiah just that way. He was willing to even give His life to follow the Lord's instruction. Even the religious leaders were not listening. We must listen to that still small voice within us and make sure it is the Lord's voice to be able to be considered a follower of Christ. Christ says "draw near to me and I will draw near to you." Many have paid the ultimate price to follow God's will. Urijah was one that the put to death for speaking the words of the Lord. That is still an accepted practice in many countries. There were more people martyred for being Christians than in the 20th century than in the previous 19 centuries combined. Please remember to pray for the persecuted church.

In chapter 27 we see Jeremiah telling them to serve the King of Babylon. This was once again contrary to what they were being told by the priests and other prophets. Jeremiah again was listening and followed the Lord when others were trying to get them to resist the consequences the Lord had brought. We can interpret the times in which we live as we pray and ask for discernment. Those who forecast doom and gloom will either be justified by what happens next or shown to be a false prophet. When we go through trying times we should ask the Lord to help us endure.

Then in Chapter 29 we see the Lord telling the people to have peace in their tribulation, to have children and build houses. The captivity will be long and the Lord has plans to deliver them from their current situation. There may be a time of consequences for our actions. He will deliver us when we call on His name.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jeremiah 18-22

In Jeremiah 18 we God comparing Himself to the potter. We see him say He will raise up nations and tear them back down as the potter reshapes clay that has defects. The Lord tells Jeremiah to prophesy unpopular words to his kinsmen. He was put in stocks and ridiculed and made fun of for his obedience to the point that He wished He was never born. Still the truth burned within Him and He could not be silent.

The same king sent for Jeremiah to inquire of Him and again the message was not pleasant because they had built their house on unrighteousness. They were in nice paneled houses yet their house (nation) was to be destroyed because of being a stiff necked nation.

What are we building our house on today? What is He telling you today? The Lord has plans to prosper us and bless us exceedingly, abundantly above anything we can ever imagine. Will we be able to enjoy His blessing, or is there still work that He must do first?

Dan Holley

Jeremiah 23-25

We see the Lord speaking to Jeremiah about the priests, prophets and God's people. Shepherds have an awesome responsibility not to scatter God's people. Our job is to bring unity and not let them wander out into the world and out of the safety of God's care. We are also to bring them into God's presence through hearing from Him. We are all to stay in the word so we may do just that. When we refuse to do so we do not hear from the Lord. When we do not spend time in prayer we do not hear from him. How long has it been since you have heard from the Lord? We are able to have a personal relationship with Him that will solve all things that would trouble us or weigh us down. Many times we may turn to the wrong source for counsel. That really troubles our Lord and He will quit speaking to us personally. When we do not hear from and someone needs to know something about Him, you may give them your words instead. You are in danger of doing that when we cease to spend time with him and let our troubles (cares of this world) take His place in your life. This greatly troubles our Lord and there will be consequences for our sin. Leaning into our own understanding is not trusting Him.

In Jeremiah 24 we see the Lord sending a vision and then interpreting it. We see where those faithful to God will be carried through and kept safe no matter what you are going through. We then the consequences of sin - those who have not been faithful.

In chapter 25 we see the Seventy years of desolation and God's judgment through prophecy. The Lords warning did come to pass. He is always true to Hid word. God gives us warning signs along the way. Do you see them? Are you listening for the word of the Lord? What is He telling you today? He says taste for I am good. Dive into His word. He has rivers of living water for those who spend time with Him. Will you spend time with Him today? He is patiently waiting.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Jeremiah 14-17

In Jeremiah we see how the Lord feels about us when we wander from Him. His mercy keeps us from getting what we deserve. When we wander long enough He then tells us there will be a time when He will not hear those who would try to intercede for us. He lets natural consequences kick in, then He interjects His consequences (discipline) on us to keep us from destroying ourselves and wandering too far. Their biggest sin was listening to each other and not to God. That's what causes us to wander. They had wandered into idolatry. They also made a mockery out of God by consoling each other with their own ideas saying it was from God, instead of really consulting God. This causes us to misinterpret the signs God is giving us. We may frustrate the father - even to the point that He must show us His power so we will see the importance of showing restraint. God understands the consequences of casting off restraint (staying on the narrow path that leads to life). He sees the consequences of sin every day and wants what’s best for us.

I love these verses from chapter 17:
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit. NKJ

Will we be able to interpret the signs the Lord is giving? Will we wait or will we respond?
The Lord wants to be your source of strength. Will put you trust and hope in Him today?

Dan Holley

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jeremiah 1-3

Today we get to see the Lord calling Jeremiah to be a prophet and to speak His words to Israel. He knew Him before He formed him in his mother's womb, set Him apart then and called Him to be a prophet before Jeremiah was even born. Then God had to show him not to fear being young or inexperienced. Later He said: "Do not be terrified by them or I will terrify you before them." One of our biggest challenges is to step out courageously in spite of the battle we may see. One of the biggest problems we create is not to walk into the battle with that trust and confidence that the Lord will see us through. He told Jeremiah He would make Him a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against Kings, officials, priests and inhabitants of the land. "They will not overcome you for I am with you." I hope these words will encourage you today.

In chapter 2 we see the sin of digging our own cisterns for water. Jesus is the living water, when we rely on secular education or the ways of the world to conduct or lives. The other sin is losing our awe of God. He says we bring our troubles on ourselves when that happens. He goes on to say that it disgraces our whole house.

In chapter 3 we see that the Lord views their spiritual unfaithfulness as adultery and prompts them to return to Him. He says "I will cure you of your backsliding. Sometimes we try to do that under our own strength. I thank the Lord that Jeremiah was able to be faithful in proclaiming the words of the Lord. What a blessing we may have missed if these things were not revealed to us. What is the Lord prompting you to do today? Be strong and take courage and you will be a blessing for generations.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35

Today we see King Josiah taking the throne of Judah at the age of eight. They found the book of the law after He had reigned for eight years. He was deeply moved, repented and turned the people of Judah back to the Lord. They sought words from from the prophetess Huldah and she reported that the Lord's judgment would still come down on Israel, but since the King had repented, He would not have to personally go through God's discipline. We see that God was faithful to His word.

God is a just God and will not let the sentence be lifted for sins against Him or His people. He is faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. There are still consequences for our thoughts and actions. Only He can choose to take those away. Since He is wise and just He knows what is best. We sometimes think that there is no consequence for sin when we ask forgiveness. That is just not true. We are always forgiven when we are genuine. God knows what we must go through to be truly sanctified. The consequences are part of that process of restoration.

The wages of sin is death, that's what we deserve. God gives us eternal life as a gift and asks us to go sin no more. His word also tells us that if we continue in sin, there is no more forgiveness of sins. It is always best to walk in His ways. That is what the people of Judah had failed to do and did not teach their families the ways of the Lord. We must turn to the Lord before the consequences of our actions take their toll on us and those whom we are given to be an example.
Let's commit to turn to Him. Now is the time to give your heart fully to Him. We all need the Lord and we may be the one He has put to show them His ways.