Thursday, February 28, 2008

Numbers 11-13

In chapter 11 we see the Lord's anger aroused when the non-believers in the group complained about the food (no meat). I hope this speaks to all of us about complaining about the Lord's provision. It is a lack of vision on our part. We sometimes can't see how the Lord is providing because of the things we want. He gave them what they want, but it came with a price.
Then Moses asked for help with the responsibilities of His assignment, and the Lord provided. He also sent His power on the seventy elders that were given the assignment. The Lord's assignment always comes with evidence of God's power to confirm and accomplish the task.

Chapter 12 begins with Miriam and Aaron questioning God's choice of a wife for Moses. That meddling caused God's discipline leprosy on Miriam (the culprit). Moses pleaded for her restoration and the Lord granted His request. He waited for her to be cleansed before they moved on.

Chapter 13 the exploration of Canaan and the tribes choice of representatives. They brought back some fruit and their view of what they had witnessed. They perceived the people there to be a force greater than they could conquer. They were right in that, but failed to let God deliver them into their hands. How many victories have we missed by not letting God give us the power to overcome? God wants to make the impossible become reality. Thats one way He shows His power in our lives.

Tomorrow I intend to read Psalms 90

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