Sunday, February 17, 2008

Leviticus 14 - 15

In Leviticus 14 we see instructions about being cleansed from skin diseases and having our house cleansed from mildew. It is so important that we be cleansed by the father from anything in our life that would harm us. We should make sure we take the steps necessary to make that happen.

Leviticus 15 covers cleanliness concerning certain discharges and activities. The Lord knows how disease spreads and what is needed for cleanliness. Only God can heal and make us clean. The priest would confirm the work that God had already done and perform the ceremony in obedience to God's commands. Today we have Jesus as our High Priest. He cleanses us from all sins and pronounces us clean. We are to be a living sacrifice to the father. Our life should reflect that cleansing and we should take the steps to live a clean life physically and spiritually.

Tomorrow I intend to read Leviticus 16 - 18

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