Monday, February 18, 2008

Leviticus 16-18

In Leviticus we see where Aaron's sons were killed by fire for approaching the holy place and doing things that God did not ask for and did it thier own way. We then see God give detailed intructions about how to carry out His ordinances. We must always make sure we do our best to make sure our service is acceptable to God and not ourselves or man.

In Chapter 17 we see acceptable guidelines for holiness. The only acceptable way to sacrifice an animal was to sacrifice it to God, or it was considered bloodshed and they were to be cut off from their people. Life is sacred and death is the consequences of sin. We are shown how serious that is when the payment demanded is another life. Christ payed that penalty for us.

In chapter 18 we see the guidelines for sexual relations. We should always respect God's ways because He knows what is best. He knows the consequences of sin and the pain it causes each of us. Trusting Him in and in his plan for these areas is always the raod to an abundant life, and the good things He has in mind for us.

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