Thursday, November 13, 2008

Luke 23; John 18-19

Today we see the arrest, trial and crucifixion of our Lord. The search for truth is one that we are all responsible for. Pilate understood the dilemma and sent Jesus to Herod. Pilate asked in John 18:38"What is truth?" That search for truth is so key as we each have to determine who we say Jesus is. This is one area where we cannot pass the buck. This will also determine the way we are to follow Him. Many people create a God that meets their expectations and their idea of ministry and that is who and how they serve. They have created a God and a daily walk that is not of the Lord, and therefore is a false Gos and belief. The Jews had the Pharisees (who kept the law strictly in their own minds), and the Sadducees who did not believe in angels or the resurrection from the dead. They had a tremendous knowledge of God without really knowing Him. At some point we must go through the same process to determine who Jesus really is and then how to join Him in His plan. The search for truth is key to obedience. God rewards our obedience tremendously as a loving father would. He makes it possible to do His will as we understand truth. God wants us to join Him where He is, not where we are. We are to bring our understanding of Him to His understanding of truth, not bring Him down to our understanding. The result is peace in the midst of whatever circumstances are surrounding us as we see Jesus example as He gave His life following His father's plan. This plan is not always comfortable, it is the will of the father. What adjustment do we need to make in order to say "not my will, but thine?" That is the only thing that will allow us to do things that are way to big for us, are way out of our comfort zone or things that we disagree with. We must pray and ask God for understanding of how He is working. There are those calling out to Him who He will place in the hands of good stewards. That place will be given to those willing to answer the call on His terms, not ours. Then we will all give thanks to the father and truly worship Him as we see our Lord at work among us. Here is an example from Oswald Chambers in today's My Utmost for His Highest devotional readings.

"We must break out of our own little world of experience into abandoned devotion to Him. Think who the New Testament says Jesus Christ is, and then think of the despicable meagerness of the miserable faith we exhibit by saying, "I haven’t had this experience or that experience"! Think what faith in Jesus Christ claims and provides— He can present us faultless before the throne of God, inexpressibly pure, absolutely righteous, and profoundly justified. Stand in absolute adoring faith "in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God— and righteousness and sanctification and redemption . . ." ( 1 Corinthians 1:30 ). How dare we talk of making a sacrifice for the Son of God! We are saved from hell and total destruction, and then we talk about making sacrifices!

We must continually focus and firmly place our faith in Jesus Christ— not a "prayer meeting" Jesus Christ, or a "book" Jesus Christ, but the New Testament Jesus Christ, who is God Incarnate, and who ought to strike us dead at His feet. Our faith must be in the One from whom our salvation springs. Jesus Christ wants our absolute, unrestrained devotion to Himself. We can never experience Jesus Christ, or selfishly bind Him in the confines of our own hearts. Our faith must be built on strong determined confidence in Him."

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