Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ezekiel 40-41

In Ezekiel 40 & 41 we get a glimpse of how Christ establishes His church. God is continuing the process of bringing His people back to Him. They are in the 25th year of exile when we see the vision the Lord gave for His temple. We see Him giving the specific details to the one He wants to build it. He gave information on the inner courts and the priests that were to serve there, and measurements of the different courts, rooms' right down to the door hinges. This didn't have as much to do with Ezekiel as it did god using Him as His vessel to build His temple.

Christ establishes each church as He sees fit. He takes a time to prepare His people for what He is doing, then He gives them specific tasks. Let's draw near the Lord during this time in order to see clearly what He is doing, then be willing to join Him in what He is establishing. Jesus said "On this rock (the understanding that He is Christ, the son of the living God) I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

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