Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Esther 6-10

The book of Esther shows how God protects His people and turns the table on those who would do them harm. In chapter 5 we saw Haman's Hate for the people of God because Mordecai would not bow to Him. He went home complaining about Mordecai to His family and friends. His wife advised him to build a Gallows to hang him on. This is why it is so important to lead our families in the way of the Lord and surround ourselves with Godly people. They have discernment and will advise us in the ways of God. He created us to have that passion. When used as He intends it is that passion that God uses to pursue a relationship with Lord and be concerned over injustice against the people of God (our family & neighbors).

God then turns things around on Haman. God disturbed King Xerxes' sleep and He discovers Mordecai is the one who uncovered the plot to kill him. He asks Haman what He should do to honor a man and He has to walk Mordecai through the streets singing his praises thinking the King was going to be honoring Him. Haman was shocked and appalled when the king named Mordecai. when Haman returned home grieving about these things to his wife and advisers, the King's men showed up to take him to the banquet that would uncover His plot and lead to his demise. He was hanged on the gallows intended for Mordecai.

We see many of these things taking place because of the passion Mordecai passion the Lord and His neighbors. Esther had a choice to preserve her life and not risk bothering the king, or take the risk and plea on behalf her people. God placed Her in that position for such a time as this. The people of God are rescued and Haman is hanged on the gallows He had built to hang Mordecai. God has placed us here for a time such as this. Ask and He will show what mighty things He can do.

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