Friday, January 25, 2008

Genesis 38-40

Genesis 38 starts out by showing us what can happen when we separate from God's people. Today God's people are the body of Christ. Jacob's son Judah did that and started out right, but started doing things his own way without consulting the Lord. Sometimes we don't understand the danger in making decisions on our own, even if we don't get caught. Intimate fellowship with the Lord will lead to good, wise choices. Our children will do in excess what we do in moderation. Serve the Lord with all your heart and see what they do.

In chapter 39 we see how God took care of Joseph during real trying times. He was sold to Potiphar an Egyptian official to Pharaoh, Ruler of Egypt. God's blessing was on Joseph and all of Potiphar's house was blessed because of Him. Joseph was then faced with a huge dilemma, He was unjustly accused by Potiphar's wife and thrown into prison. Instead of complaining, he sought the Lord and was given the highest job in the jail. All that happened to Joseph was because God was fulfilling the first dream he had given him to rule over his brothers. the Lord knew there was going to be a famine in Canaan and Egypt. When things don't make sense, we should ask the Lord what He knows about where He has us and not fret or worry. He always knows what's best for us. Like Joseph, we will be given success where He has placed us.

Chapter 40 shows Joseph being aware of His surroundings and noticing even the demeanor of those He was put over. Even in prison as a kidnapped slave in a foreign land, he understood His daily service was to the Lord and was not overcome by these circumstances. This will ultimately lead to him being placed in a position of authority over all of the land. He interprets dreams that lead to that. What task may be put before us that will lead to that in our life? What is God telling us about where God has placed us today? How could this help us and others we know who may be struggling?

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