Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Exodus 1-3

In chapter 1 we see Gods promises being fulfilled by making Abraham's descendants numerous. The new king did not know Joseph or anything that had taken place. His decision to oppress them was fear driven. That always puts us out of God's will. He then made the mistake of picking on God's chosen people by oppressing them and making them slaves. The more they oppressed them, "the more they multiplied and spread." a common thread throughuot the bible is the more God's people are picked on, the more He increases and blesses.
The midwives were blessed by fearing God more than the King. The Moses was born and
Pharaoh's daughter found him. She raised him as her own.

We then see Moses defend His people as a young man. He flees to Midian after killing the Egyptian. Being discovered, God obviously met His needs and then brought those into His life to bring comfort. The Lord looked out for the Israelites during that time and was concerned about them.
His compassion for them was followed with action. Real love requires a response on our part. Understanding that was important for Moses to see how God wanted Him to respond to His plan. His plan is always best, and was the answer to their trouble. He also promised to make the Egyptians favorably disposed to the Israelites. How will our relationship with God change hearts towards us? He will always prepare others for us when we ask.

Tomorrow I intend to read Exodus 4-6

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