Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Romans Challenge Chapter 1

Romans Challenge - I encourage you to read the book of Romans with us this month. We will be commenting from time to time and I would like your input as the word speaks personally to you. Thanks for reading through Acts with us. I hope it lifted you up as it did me.

In Chapter 1 Paul's calling and commitment are clear. His primary focus was to preach the Gospel - Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel . . . —1 Corinthians 1:17 Oswald Chambers talks about that today in today's Utmost for His Highest. We all have a primary focus for our life in Christ. We are commissioned to spread the good news of Christ. When we look at what Jesus commanded us to do our life takes on new meaning. 

As the chapter goes on he talks about our spiritual condition that keeps us in Christ. Does that mean I'm then lost when I sin? No! You are Christ's. It means you will lose focus and your spiritual condition is starting to suffer. You're getting ready to open yourself up for a spiritual battle that will take on a life of it's own because the enemy is involved. It will be impossible to continue the same trek because of discouragement and lack of zeal that only comes from God.
It attack our thought process first and starts the spiritual virus that effects every area of our life. We look fine on the outside, but on the inside we are a wreck and spiritual growth is stunted while we are here. The enemy has been working the same way for millenniums. That's how believers begin the process of becoming what Christ calls "whitewashed tombs." Looking good on the outside and rotting inside Matt 23:27. Was Christ being critical? He came to earth because of a spiritual condition that only He has the cure (antiviral hardware) for. His desire is to clean us up and get us running to accomplish our full potential. This deeply concerns Him because without Him involved we are building a spiritual house of cards that will be blown down at the first storm. He is the answer and we can find the code for breaking the virus in Him. Start on the road to a full life in Him today.

In Christ,

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