Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2 Samuel 12

Chapter 12 starts out with the Prophet Nathan bringing the sin of David before him. He had to expose adultery, murder and ungratefulness in David's life. God is the bossiest thing and Nathan took the risk of accepting the task. He didn't accuse immediately, but the Lord spoke in parables to pull David's heartstrings. He does that in our own life today. We get infuriated at things that we may not be seeing or admitting in our own life. Who would approve of a neighbor stealing a ewe lamb that was like a duaghter to this man, prepare it for his guests when this man had many sheep? David knew this man should be punished. When faced with the reality that this was him, David repented. We see this also in Psalm 51 where David asks to create in him a clean heart. David genuinely grieved over his sin and the consequences. This fasting and seeking God was necessary for David to be the king in a way that would be pleasing to God and He forgave David. It did cost David much. Sin is costly, especially when we walk in denial and God has to take measures to bring it to our attention.

We also see where David is restored and is waling in the power of the Lord with victory over his enemies. God establishes us as leaders in families and to have a Godly witness with others. When we push fear aside and trust what the Lord is doing we can be truly content with our life and have peace with God. Satan is going to tempt us with whatever our Bathsheba is. He always uses the same tricks. Let's be content with where God has us and confess the sin that He reveals so we can live in peace with God and have victory over our strongholds. Waiting is always costly. We make a decision every time we encounter God. Choose to trust Him. Peace and fellowship with God will be the Lord's reward. Then comes His revelation and direction. This is God's way.

Know that God loves you and knows what’s best.
In Christ,

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