Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1 Kings 19-20; Matthew 10:21-42

In 1st kings we see the faithfulness of Elijah. He ran for his life and the Lord came to him and brought him back with a new assignment. Many times we will run and the Lord always finds us to bring us back to complete the rest of our assignment. We see the Lord say there were a few faithful in Israel. 19:18 Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him."(NIV) He will always send someone to rescue the faithful. Wherever we go He pursues us to bring us home for the next assignment. That is His faithfulness to His sheep. No matter what the odds are against us, they are outnumbered with the lord on our side.

Matthew 10 tells us to be faithful to the end. The Lord can tell when our hearts are fully devoted to Him and the evidence will be losing our life and finding it in Him. When we receive a righteous man and a prophet we receive the Lord. Receiving the assignment (picking up our cross) the Lord has for us and is sending into our lives is the key to being able to take up our cross and follow His Lordship in our life.

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