Monday, December 1, 2008

1 Corinthians 9-11

In chapter 9 Paul tells us He could have asked for support for His preaching as other apostles, but He chose to work and not be an extra financial burden to the Corinthians. He wanted them to understand that the prize was not material gain, but we should run in such a way that would get the prize that will last forever. He wants us to follow His example of loving God's people and building relationships in order to win people of all backgrounds and nationalities to Christ.

In chapter 10 we are instructed not to abuse our new freedom in Christ. We are not to be caught up in the same trap that caused Israel much grief. While we are not under the law we, are to use their examples as a warning and learn not to repeat their mistakes that causes our Lord to grieve. I believe it hurts God when we do these things and He will not tolerate us going down that road that leads to pain and destruction. He knows the consequences of our thoughts and activities and as a loving father He intervenes before we destroy ourselves. The job of the Holy Spirit is to convict us of these things.

In chapter 11 we are shown propriety in worship. There is an order to everything and the Lord has created certain things to be subject to each other and dependent on each other, but everything is subject to our Lord to whom we must all give an account for our thoughts and actions. The Lord created this order for us to submit to the place He has ordained we should serve. In Him there is order. This is offensive to some as we have a tendency to want to be in charge of our own destiny. Understanding that God's plan is always best gives me comfort. Trusting Him with our life makes it possible to put everything under His authority and in His order.

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