Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Proverbs 27-29

We see in proverbs 27 how diligence will pay rewards. Whether being a good friend and adding loving truth, or being faithful over what we have been charged with, we will be rewarded as we put these into practice. The gardener will enjoy the fruits of the garden. What have we been put in charge of? We will eat the fruits of our labor. Be sure we are working in the Lord's vineyard, and the fruits of our labor will be sweet and not bitter.

In chapter 28 we see how God makes us steadfast through His word. He has wisdom and strength that we all need during uncertain times. When we listen to the Lord our work will be blessed and our prayers pleasing to him. The faithful will not fall. We see where God views a rich man as one who has knowledge that brings wisdom and discernment. These keep us out of our own trap.

In chapter 29 we see how these things start at an early age. We can bring a child up in the way of the Lord and avoid much trouble and hardship. It is vital to see how hardheadedness will cause personal disaster. The Lord will keep us safe and secure as we walk in his ways. Do we seek his audience, or that of powerful men?

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